
I just bought Shadowfalls Legend for Kindle written by the amazing Mur Lafferty (the…

I just bought Shadowfalls Legend for Kindle written by the amazing Mur Lafferty (the…

I just bought Shadowfalls Legend for Kindle written by the amazing Mur Lafferty (the scribe of TWO upcoming Special Edition Episodes). Check it out here It’s only $.99 and her writing seriously rocks.

Shadowsfall Legends: Pawn, Deception, and Sacrifice – Valdia’s Tale

When the half-vampire protector of the village of Shoel races to rescue a child stolen away by ghouls, she discovers their more dastardly intent. Can she overcome the odds stacked against her or will she succumb to her darker side? What is her vampiric father’s stake in the outcome?
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An epic podcast with a brilliant plot, great narration and an amazing cast! An audio drama (rather than a "mere" audio book) indeed. Thank you, Christof, and the entire LC team and cast for all the work you have done to provide your listeners with so much high-class entertainment!...

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