
Very excited about this mention in LetitFlow. Very selected (and humbling) company for Leviathan…

Very excited about this mention in LetitFlow. Very selected (and humbling) company for Leviathan Chronicles to be keeping.

Top Podcasts For The Winter Break |

If you’re like some of us, there is simply not enough time to consume all of the entertainment out there – television, music, Netflix, Angry Birds, blogs, online poker – you name it. Podcasts are among the first casualties, as they do require you paying attention and listening, which are skills that…
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An epic podcast with a brilliant plot, great narration and an amazing cast! An audio drama (rather than a "mere" audio book) indeed. Thank you, Christof, and the entire LC team and cast for all the work you have done to provide your listeners with so much high-class entertainment!...

- martinimnetz, -
